Installation and solo performance
Created at Musée d'art Contemporain de Baie-Saint-Paul as part of the 30th International Symposium of Contemporary art of Baie-Saint-Paul, Québec, Canada, August, 31, 2012
IN MUSEUM is held in a place where the public freely circulates. A visitor is invited to enter a designated space and share discreetly a hope or a wish with the dancer. From each exchange a
personalized reply will result, a free dance of dazzling spontaneity that conjures up powers to make the wish come true.
IN MUSEUM evolves over each progressive exchange between artist and visitor. Between each encounter, the dancer takes a moment to refocus before again giving form and shape to the
invisible. “The present is our only eternity,” said Marie Chouinard when she created this performance in 2012.The performance brings to mind the white-clad Pythia, the prophetess of Delphi. This
ancient Greek figure delivered her prophecies in a trance like state and in a language that only priests of the temple knew how to interpret. The history of Pythia and the act of divination may
remain a mystery, but the inscription at the entrance to Apollo’s temple at Delphi has lost none of its truth: “Know thyself and thou will know the universe and the gods.”
Length | 3 hours
Creation | Marie Chouinard
Performer | Marie Chouinard
Costumes and props | Marie Chouinard (with the help of Jacinthe Loranger for the costumes)
Canada | Baie-Saint-Paul, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto
Czech Republic | Prague
France | Lyon, Paris
Hungary | Budapest
Italy | Venice
Japan | Kanazawa, Kochi
United States | Chicago